Current Weather
Conditions as of 12/11/24 At 12:34:00 AM
Barrett Minnesota
Temperature |
10.6 F |
Dew Point |
3.4 F |
Heat Index |
10.6 F |
Relative Humidity |
72% |
Barometric Pressure |
28.847 In |
Rainfall Since Midnight |
0.00 In |
Rainfall Monthly Total |
0.08 In |
Rainfall Yearly Total | 0.08 In |
Wind From The |
Wind Speed |
7 MPH |
Peak Wind Gust |
9 MPH |
High Since Midnight |
11.5 F At 12:00 AM |
Low Since Midnight |
10.6 F At 12:30 AM |
Yesterdays High |
26.0 F At 05:55 PM |
Yesterdays Low |
11.5 F At 11:36 PM |